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Showing posts from November, 2021

Happy grateful joy

 Hello dears!!!! Creating coin ATC's is very challenging but gives  immense joy after you see the completed project  My entry to finnabair daily art cafe October challenge / Mixed Media place  November challenge is three coin ATC's happy ,grateful and  joy. I'm inspired by the browns and blacks in the moodboard. Some pics and closeups of the project. Moodboards and links to their challenge: Thanks for stopping by.keep smiling and happy crafting!!!!

Life...inhale the future ,exhale the past

 Hello dears!!!! Life is the best teacher and experiences make us stronger and wise ...... My entry to Mixed Media Academy November challenge is this mixed media art project "Life....inhale the future, exhale the past" reflects the mind in a state of complete tranquility and peace  as mental health is very important in today's scenario.The three teal buttons in an invisible triangle represents the past,the present and the future!!!!.The doodling triangles represents the circle of life which surrounds us with a life essence. I'm inspired by the quote and moodboard colours and the doodling compulsory element for this project.  Here are the pics of the project and a few closeups. The moodboard and link to their challenge is below: Thanks for stopping by.Keep smiling and happy crafting!!!! a voice not an echo

 Hello dears!!!! Colours fill our world with so much of life and happiness....imagine a black and white world!!!! My scrapbook layout"Precious..  be a voice not an echo" has all the  rainbow colours from the gorgeous moodboard of splashymix challenges November challenge and Hndmd November challenge of glitter or ethnic and colourful details  is my entry to the same challenge.In my scrapbook layout,houses represents the people and the  rainbows behind them as symbols of hope and happiness . Here are a few pics and  closeups of the layout...... A small video about the project. The moodboards and link to their challenges is below: hallenge33-november.html?m=1 Thanks for stopping by.Keep smiling and happy crafting!!!!

Gratitude is everything

 Hello dears!!! Being grateful for the things we take for granted helps us to improve ourselves as good people!!! Whether it is the food we eat or the air we breathe or the resources we use from our planet Earth,we should always remember to  be thankful and show our gratitude by planting more trees or showing compassion to the needy by distributing food. My entry to more than words challenge November month challenge of gratitude and moodboard is this bright art journal page " Gratitude is everything.....thank you". I have chosen the fall theme of pumpkins and colours of the moodboard for this project. Some pics and close ups of the art journal page .   A small video of the art journal page project. The moodboard and link to their challenge: Thanks for stopping by.Keep smiling and happy crafting!!!!